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Monday, February 6, 2012

Before I fangirl brainlessly, I need to say this: I am trying to get a job! But the job agency hasn't found one for me yet. The only thing I can do now is to be a faithful fangirl. :) It's great because I haven't enjoyed such luxury of time in... 2 years. I have no clue how I'm going to occupy myself tomorrow besides waiting for the agency to call.

Bubujingxin is probably the first drama that has occupied my mind for so long. It's probably because I'm so free now, so I can devote myself to analysing the plot and the characters. The cast is good looking, the plot is heart-breaking, the characters are charming, and the songs are touching...

At first I really couldn't understand why she rejected No.8. But now I think I do... I shan't elaborate here because... As much as I would like to sound philosophical about love here, I don't think I can pull it off, and I know I will only sound immature. Please, a teenager discussing love?

I think dramas are good because they puzzle me. Singaporean dramas always end in the happiest possible way, and after growing up on our dramas I think I have developed an opinion on romantic love that is too optimistic to be relevant. It's not true that no matter how many twists and turns there are in the middle, a multitude of coincidences will occur to unite the couple in the end. It's not true that people get together purely because of true love. And it's not true that romantic love has to be expressed through physical contact, which is what some books I've read seem to suggest. (Please don't ask me what I've been reading! You can ask me in private and I'll try to recall.) The unfortunate circumstances in bbjx tear to shreds any idyllic worldview I might have. *awakening*

I've been wanting to read about Chinese history ever since I started watching bbjx, but I haven't. What I have done, actually, is reading up on some of the cast members. ;) I think acting (on television/in theatre) is a really interesting job, because it immerses you in stories. But the fame that sometimes comes with it can restrict one's life. :/
Goodbye, I'm off to do more research on the actors. And Chinese history.

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