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Saturday, January 21, 2012

I was eating at this shop when this song started playing, and my friends all agreed it was a nice song. I couldn't hear the lyrics but somehow the tune made me feel sad. It made me feel like I had lost something dear. It's a bit odd because I rarely feel sad when I have company.

And after reading the lyrics I can't agree more that it's a sad song. I'm going to find more of his songs to listen to!
That day somebody was giving the guys lots of advice about NS, and one of them was to not stand out. "For example, you don't want to have Lee C.B. as the name on your uniform. So choose your name tag carefully." It was very interesting to listen to even though it didn't concern me at all. To me, it makes NS sound like a great adventure and now I half want to be a guy too. But I am not, and I don't have to serve the army, so the next big adventure for me is university. Honestly, I can't wait to make new friends.

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for people to reply to me about my job applications. I haven't decided on anything else, such as which university I'm going to or what course I'll take. But I think it is best for things to stay this way. I think I'll get disappointed less easily if I don't have anything set in a plan.

This brings me to how I've been trying to think of my passion. If you had asked me this question while I was still studying, I might have said Biology or something related to KI. But now that I'm out of school I think my life's passion is just to be able to talk to my friends and make new ones too. Studying seems like a hobby now; it's just something that can fill up the rest of your time so you won't get too bored.

By the way, it's ridiculous to have your fate (at least in university) summed up in a few grades. After listening to stories of good students getting, well, non-A grades in their O levels and A levels, you feel that exams aren't that accurate and that it has loopholes that have existed ever since they were invented. So why are university admissions based so much on our A level results T.T

That somebody also said, "After being confined for 2 weeks, even the auntie mopping the floor looks good." Of course, you know who he was referring to!

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