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Saturday, May 14, 2011

We had STJ yesterday! I kind of floated to yishun in this rather dreamy state of mind (it felt rather surreal going for a class thing oops) together with qianlin. And I sat beside theodora! (my band junior) Haha. Looking back now I'm pretty sure STJ would have been much less fun if I hadn't sat there-- there would have been a lot more stoning and trying to make small talk. So anyway I think the juniors are so much more outspoken (and hence, fun) than we are generally. They were the ones who initiated all the conversation and fun games at my table :X haha had a lot of fun laughing at/with them because we were playing truth or dare. And somehow all the questions were BGR related (e.g. describe your crush/what's your ideal partner like/who's the most good-looking guy etc.). FUNNY. I learnt secret(s) that day. ^^

Today was an interesting day because I went for this scholarship and interview workshop. It's really quite interesting (as mr nah had mentioned that day) to meet new people and talk with them. We got split into random groups of 3 and the 2 people I was with really left an impression on me. Not sure if I left an impression on them but heck that's not the point.
Meanwhile, here's a really happy song by Darren Criss. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VroukwS8N7A&feature=related
Also, please please please watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLexgOxsZu0 It's an ultra-cute and retarded video. Might be quite sick but never mind. I'm sure we're all mature enough. Cracks me up every time I watch it. :D

Right. So, the workshop today was quite helpful and it also set me thinking hard about what I want to study in university (as I've tried to think about many times before). The best decision I've reached today is to be a researcher and a freelance writer, at the same time. What kind of researcher? Maybe a bacteriologist/immunologist/cancer researcher, the kind where I get to study diseases and invent drugs to cure them. As for writing, freelance writers don't usually write the meatier stuff, like political events... but I guess I could write about science in general like Andy Ho (right?) from the straits times does.
I think being a researcher is what my left brain wants, and being a writer is what my right brain wants.
I feel sleepy.
And I just realized I haven't answered my question about university. Do I study biology or journalism? Hrmm. A matter for future contemplation. My brain doesn't want to think now.

Actually, I think it hasn't done some good thinking for quite a while. It's been festering away. It can really fester easily. I just have to sleep at 12.30 everyday and stone during lectures and tutorials. Then go home, O: freak out at amount of lectures and tutorials, do them and sleep at 12.30 again. Yep, recipe for festering brain.

Quote of the day: “Find something that you like so much that you’d do it for free, and then get so good at it, that they’ll pay you to do it."

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