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Sunday, May 8, 2011

It's too hot for thinking.

The past week has been exciting... But I'm really too lazy to provide an account of everything since it has all passed. The past week felt like a normal life again. With a such a range of emotions that passed through my mind, I felt human again. Now it's just back to routine, back to business.

I'm not even thinking, I'm just thinking of the past week and letting memories and emotions wash over me in blurry images... I think all the writing I would have done in a cooler climate has evaporated in the heat already. And with time too.

Everything now seems so dreary and normal. I was suffering from a minor bout of depression yesterday, and I declared to my mum that life was meaningless and thus everything that I do is meaningless.
I suppose I was just throwing a mini-tantrum (at what, I don't know).
But anyway my mum took me out to clementi mall to get the free pair of spectacles that came with my brother's new spectacles. :) And we did a bit of shopping, where I binged on new highlighters, coloured pens, ring files and even this set of dinosaur foam stickers to stick somewhere in my room. :)
So after that I concluded that life wasn't meaningless. That was a life lesson on how to cheer a female up. My mum understands me. :)
And today is mother's day. I haven't actually done anything special for her and she said she doesn't need a present, I just have to listen to her the whole day today. Hmm. But don't I always listen to her? I think so? :D

I don't think the GRC system is good. It removes worthy ministers from parliament, because they became victims of the public's frustrations towards the PAP. I wish LTK had contested another GRC. (and won it too)

Oh, yes, one thing worthy of mention is that I went to an NSP rally near my house last Thursday. It was really exciting, I could feel the crowd's emotions. Cheering and all that. Chatter between strangers standing together in a muddy field. And crying too, when Nicole Seah came on stage. Nothing sarcastic about that. I'm glad that I went for the rally. I think NSP could have arranged their teams better.

It's back to the life of a JC student. It's back to keeping track of when the next test is and studying for it. It's back to finishing up homework on time and maybe even before it's due. It's back to probing myself and finding out what kind of results I really want to get for the next test. It's time to get myself back to work!

What a boring end to my post.
Here, to spice things up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aeo86iOS0QU and to get you thinking about your own.
When you get to thinking about it, many people around us today have worked hard to get where they are today, and I admire them for it. And I'll be glad if I could achieve anything like theirs.
(I was actually thinking about MPs from the opposition party.)
Shoot, 3 pm already? Woke up at 11.30 am today. :/

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