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Friday, May 20, 2011

Right, I have figured out the ingredients for a boring, uneventful life.
1. Worrying
2. Being shy
3. Slacking
I just described myself.

Anyway, today was quite a... fun day, relatively. I went for this talk by a practising doctor and researcher. I went because he is a researcher, cancer researcher I guess, since he's an oncologist. He's Dr Tan Min-Han. FYI. I've been quite interested in cancer research, and I believe (and still do) that it's a noble job... But as I learnt today, choosing a job is not just about wanting to be noble. Everyone wants to be noble, everyone wants to save the world. The other thing to consider is also if you are prepared to take the responsibilities and the sort of lifestyle that comes with it.

Then the talk ended. Saw people I knew but strode briskly away out of the sheer awkwardness of waving. Promptly regretted it because they are nice people and I'm sure everyone likes to be waved at. Promptly felt guilty. Also promptly thought that they must have not waved to me because they felt awkward too. Felt slightly amused. Made a mental note to wave to them if I ever saw them around again. Yeah. Then anyway I went for some band practice after that. Traipsed over to salt, dragging cheryl and ql with me. Hoho. Hahah at band I just sight read everything and followed whatever my juniors were playing. Played this Harry Potter theme song. It was nice.

Okay, sometimes a post detailing all the events and my thoughts for the day is really funny. :D Bye, I shall go make productive use of my time.

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