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Friday, March 4, 2011

Introverted people keep to themselves because they cannot handle so many relationships no matter ow shallow the relationships are.
I just lost my train of thought because I'm having a bad stomachache >< plus diarrhoea.
Anyway, I always start my paragraph with the topic sentence, so I think that's the main point.

I've been in a snappy mood the whole day because I wasn't feeling well. Sighs...

But I really like my euphonium badge. Thanks pam and pling! :D It's so pretty :) and heavy. Is it made of silver?? I shall ask when I see you all.

When I step out/when I grow up (am I not grown up now?), I will always treasure the innocence that I have/had as well as the innocence that I observe around me. It is a wonderful thing, this naive uncertainty and optimism combined.

It is like stepping out of your house to discover that the Forest-Containing-the-Faraway-Tree is right at your backyard, and you go ecstatic with wonderment and excitement. (Remember Enid Blyton's Faraway Tree?)
But you're scared, until the next day, and you pluck up your courage and step into the Forest.
Then you realize that the Forest is beautiful and exotic, but mysterious and ugly at some places. It is a tangle of trees you have to fight your way through, for a long time.
But you emerge at the other side of the Forest. Unscathed, but scarred.
And you realize that you have lots of white hair.

Yeah. I think this forest analogy once occurred to me. I forgot how. A book? A dream??? o_o

I think (for now at least) the most wonderful thing in the world is to be able to maintain some of your innocence despite the struggles you've been through in life. I think it's impossible though, have you ever seen an innocent old man/woman? Maybe a touch of innocence in middle-aged people/young adults is possible. Because I think many people will not be able to stand innocence when they get older (i.e. when they are middle-aged).

But what struggles in life have I seen though? I don't think I've even seen 5% of the the Tough Life. I've been growing up happily in a sheltered environment for 18 years already. Even so, I sometimes feel like I'm going through turmoil (i.e. I emo badly).

Anyway. Today was A levels results day! I used to think that if you studied hard, getting a perfect score (i.e. All As) was a given. I realized today that studying hard=/= perfect score. But maybe Supreme Muggerhood = perfect score.
:X Maybe I'm exaggerating.
Because I hear things, like getting average grades, and I think to myself, is this all a person gets after a year of losing weight and hair and his/her social life?
So I was feeling quite apprehensive today as well.

Currently I'm contemplating if I should go for OCIP. Hmm...

Oh wow my diarrhoea has magically (almost) disappeared. Why did I just blog so much when my time could have been better spent sleeping or reading stuff?

Never mind. Sometimes, you've got to empty your thoughts first before you can do anything else.

I went for about 20 minutes of the UK universities talk today. It didn't really do anything to change my mindset, although I now feel more inclined to not spend my whole life in Singapore. I would want to at least stay overseas for a period of time, for studies or for work. As for my tertiary studies, I don't know... I am still more comfortable with the idea of studying in a local university. After that maybe I could further my studies overseas.

Okay I feel semi-conscious already time to sleep.

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