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Friday, March 18, 2011

Hi!!! This is Cheryl making a cameo appearance on Marshy's blog. =)

She's doing SnS and losing hair, or so she says. I shall write a transcript of what she says.

"Oh crap what is this."
"K + 5 +4k!"

I might have missed out a bit here and there.

Marshy says she's lost her brain. HI MARSHY'S BRAIN I'LL FIND YOU. =)

I should stop posting on her blog. BYE BYE. We're listening to Totoro now. Marshy says I'm horrible. -.- I don't like her now.

She just said "Oh my gosh I'm so stupid AHHHHHH CHERYYYLLLL~"

I think I fed her too much Slurpee.

Bye bye! I'll go back to viruses now. =)

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