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Friday, March 25, 2011

I bought a book today, it's called Nocturnes by Kazuo Ishiguro. It has a pretty cover. :) And a pretty name too. I haven't started reading it yet.
Before that I watched Gnomeo and Juliet. O: I'm sure Cheryl agrees that it wasn't one of the better movies we watched LOL it was made for children. Still, pretty entertaining.
Red Riding Hood would probably have been a more rewarding movie experience haha. :D

Feeling pretty frustrated now, but I'm know I'm just being lazy for feeling like that. It's term 2 all over again... It is tiring knowing that I'm going to experience again what I've been experiencing for the past 10 years of my education... I sound like a delinquent...I shall not elaborate further.
Sigh yes there are always ways to make my daily routines better, and I know I will not hesitate to do them (like slacking off during work and sneaking peeks at Ai, the Channel-8-drama-for-aunties, and also peeking at the Channel-8-drama-at-9-pm-called-Happy-Birthday). It's actually quite a nice show, this drama at 9 pm.
Don't you doubt my taste.
Singaporean dramas aren't always bad. Chen Hanwei is a good actor. And there's eye candy.
Taiwanese dramas might have odd scripts (maybe we can't identify with their humour as much) but they are still interesting to watch.

It feels quite luxurious to have the night stretching away before me, setting aside all my work, and blogging about nonsense which you've just been reading.

Happiness is frail, relationships are fragile (not always).

Now where has my working spirit gone to; I suppose I'll just let myself have a break this weekend.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb2si7fClqA [to prepare myself for next week]

Just for Laughs asia was really funny. :D

Some people plan out their life. By 25, I'll finish my studies. By 30, I'll make my first million (well that's what TV dramas say). By 35, I'll get married. ETC ETC
But I have no plans at all. On the contrary, I have unplans. For example, I know I'm not going to be a doctor, lawyer, construction worker, or a public relations officer, or an athlete.
It's unsettling, because sometimes I think to myself, ohmy am I going to degenerate after I leave school and become a nameless faceless self-absorbed employee working in a huge huge company with no interests and no ambition etc. Am I going to spend everyday sitting at a table from 9 am to 5 pm and developing living-person-rigor-mortis?
Of course not.
Then what?
But wondering generally adds to the excitement.

Although you can tell I'm quite bored now.

Apparently Harris bookshop is having a $5 book sale. Talking to cheryl, I realize that our school's people are huge nerds. Everybody seems to go to bookshops after tests. On Thurs AND Friday we saw people from our school at bookshops. Kino and PageOne. Whut...

You know, some people are sunshine people and they literally burst with energy and make friends with everyone. They genuinely love people. Some people sit and gawk at these sunshine people. I think I belong to the latter group.

Must. Remember. That. Time. Is. Precious. And. I. Am. Majorly. Wasting. Time. Now.
Shall. Not. Be. Lazy. From. Tomorrow. Onwards. (hard to do though I won't be home.)

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