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Monday, May 28, 2012

Today I probed my thoughts again and asked myself for the nth time why I'm putting the NUS law appeal on hold. Then I realized there must be one main reason that is stopping me from doing so: I don't want to try so hard to get into a school that has a better reputation. It isn't a strong enough reason to make me appeal.
Of course, with regard to law, NUS has a better reputation than SMU with good reason: it has more elective modules and it is more established. But SMU law has its attractions too. Personally, the age of a school doesn't bother me; as for the number of elective modules, I'm not sure myself what aspect of law I like, so SMU will suffice. I don't look forward to drafting an appeal letter only to spend the next few weeks wondering if my appeal is successful.
I feel like cutting my hair short, like it was in secondary school. :)

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