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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I shall write about what I've learnt at work.

1) Give people shit and they'll give you shit back.
I decided to be late for a 'meeting' with my supervisor today, just out of spite. (childish? maybe.) 10 minutes into being late, he walked out and said, "It's so late already, why aren't you meeting me yet?!" in a rather loud voice. So I replied that I was on the phone at the counter (which is partly true, just that after that call I decided to sit around for longer). That encounter worsened my impression of him and also spoilt my morning. So, maybe I'll try a different tack: be nicer to him. (emphasis on nice-r)

2) 退一步,海阔天空
After complaining about him, I realized that a) I'm partly at fault too and b) it's not a very serious incident so in conclusion: don't harp on it. There are many pretty things in life out there too.

3) Do not gossip in the office
I actually gossiped in the office today for about less than a minute, more out of frustration at the-above-mentioned than for the fun of it. I used to think gossip was for fun, but I realized that it's more for letting off your steam. Back to the point: My colleague warned me about gossiping right after that, and I guess she's right. It tears down whatever professional image you have. Vanity aside, it also creates more bad blood in the office. Lastly, there is a question that reveals the kiasi tendency lurking in the back of my mind-- what if my supervisor heard me?
But the devil-may-care side of me is suppressing that kiasi tendency.

4) It's almost impossible not to take sides in office politics.
Office politics is purely emotional, so don't expect it to be reasonable. I've tried my best to stay out of this cold war between my colleagues who work at the counter. I've been friendly to both of them, but it seems like being in the company of one person signifies that you've defected over to 'the other side'. So I've spent just a little more time with one of the colleagues, and now the other colleague doesn't seem to like me as much. Even when she smiles at me, it looks like a fake and cold smile. :(

5) Look at your colleagues when they are speaking to you, and vice versa.
This is basic courtesy. I can't believe the-above-mentioned cannot abide by this simple social rule when talking to me.

6) Look and sound confident all the time.
Look confident when reporting what work you've done, so you don't look like a slacker. Sound confident on the phone so people trust you. Lastly, stride into the room confidently when gate-crashing buffet lunches at conferences. :D

7) Blogging is not a good way to rant because it doesn't reduce my frustration. Rather, it increases it because I'm hiding behind a screen and nobody is around to keep my frustration in check. So, this is the end of my post.

WHY am I turning this into a ranting/gossiping session? No, Marsha, GET A LIFE! ^_^

Here's a lovely performance:

Once you get over the shock of how good they are, you can start appreciating what marvelous music they produce.

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