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Monday, February 28, 2011

Since I'm going to be 18 (give a few hours more cos I wasn't born at midnight) in half an hour's time, I shall award myself the luxury of blogging. :)

I was feeling quite kingly today, because my mum bought me a cake from Prima Deli and I got my first (early) present from poey. :D So I was reminiscing about the day and about being 18 and feeling quite kingly.

After all, 18 means that I can learn how to drive, drink alcohol, and watch M18 movies. I think I'm only interested in the last privilege. I can watch No Strings Attached. Although it's probably off the cinemas by now and I also don't have much time.

I was also thinking about my brother's friend who celebrated her birthday a while ago. When I asked my brother why he didn't bring any present to her birthday party, he said all she wanted the guests at her party to do was donate to her mission trip. No need for presents.
Inspiring? I think doing what she did takes a lot of selflessness. She's in medicine school, so she's probably really busy with her revision and attachments. But she still has the mental and emotional capacity to plan for a mission trip and sacrifice her birthday presents for it as well. (Of course, looking forward to birthday presents sounds really childish. But you won't deny that they mean something to you.) I cannot imagine myself doing what she did, without any reservations, without thinking wistfully of the new presents I could have gotten, no matter how useless the presents are.
On a side note my brother says she won the most outstanding youth award a while ago. Good choice.

Also I think I got the flu that's going around band now. Wtp. Or maybe I got it from my brother. Gege if you're reading this now FEEL EXTREMELY GUILTY. (Although I still hope you are enjoying yourself and have recovered from your flu.)

I was also thinking about how gullible I really am. Just today I got taken in by xx, at least for a few moments. Then when I stepped out I realized, so what is the point of all that I agreed to do? My mum almost snorted with disdain when I told her and she said she wasn't taken in at all, right from when xx started to talk.
This makes me think of KI and how it teaches us that people lie (at least for this topic, i.e. Society and its Abuses of Science) through a professional means called Public Relations. Reading notes about PR made me feel quite smart and worldly. But I realized today that being smart is no use; you've got to put the smartness into action too.

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