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Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's feels good when I talk to someone instead of blogging.
Especially when she agrees with you. :)
So I just purged all my worries and frustrations out to my mum. It wasn't an emo-ing session, it was more of a matter-of-fact delivery of my opinions of stuff happening.

I feel so worried about my brain and all the deadlines I have to meet. Yes ironically I'm here. And fittingly, my brother just came in and told me that he has allocated me a maximum of 15 minutes of recreational computer time everyday.

Anyway so here's a quick chop up of my own takeaways from agonizing with my mum.
Rely on yourself.
And when all seems like it has become stagnant and dead, and you feel like you're just going through the motions, you wake your brain up. And try to find the beauty in things. Even complex numbers can be beautiful.
Yes, frankly, I feel like I haven't used my brain since the start of this year. It's a far cry from times long passed.
So when you feel demoralised, there will be things along the way that can infinitely cheer you up. Simple things. A smile, a wave, teasing people, a hug, your favourite drink, looking at people with good fashion sense or cute faces. Weird, I know. But everyone is.
And my point to myself is all this fantasizing is very good but I hope something fruitful comes out of it. Like GOING TO DO MY HOMEWORK AFTER 654323456 MINUTES OF SLACKING.

Sometimes I feel so tired. Physically.

I shall go and fulfil my promise to myself now!

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