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Friday, November 12, 2010

PW is over! It wasn't exactly a whole year's of hard work (at least for me) but it was hard work and all this hard labour is now past! Felt wonderfully free after our group's Q and A. Some odd questions but I think my group answered well.
I like my group. :)

Then went for class chalet, yes quite fun, tried to learn how to play mahjong for the 2nd time in my life, half-succeeded (at least I know what's hu2 okay) because half of the time I didn't know what to do next. Also lots of cooking and lots of washing up. And a cute kitten :3 But while playing with it I suddenly got worried that it'd poo on me so I quickly scooped it up and passed it back to jm.

Band. Very messy. I keep forgetting how to count. Not looking good! Seeing as I might miss a lot of band pracs. Sigh later cannot perform for concert. B|

A bit sian now. I don't know why. I think it's the prospect of not being in school with friends and classmates within an arm's reach, for many weeks! Still holidays are looking quite exciting I think I will have a lot of time to emo.

Next year would be a tough one. J2. SYF. I mean this doesn't look like much, it's only 5 characters long, but I think it's quite a combination to tackle.

Oh it's quite scary. Just a few more weeks to go and I'll be in J2. Then a year will fly by and I'll be taking A levels then after that we'll all be picking our own universities and we'll be scattered across the world (well not really everyone will either go to US or England or stay here) and we'll say goodbye to another phase in our lives, and bid farewell to our current circle of friends and move on to make new ones.
But of course friends stay in touch.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhRvd0bzIoE Now don't dismiss this as fluff.
This song reminds me of how I used to stare at his videos with glazed eyes. Lolz. Used to. But he's still a wonderful singer. :)

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