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Friday, November 19, 2010

Actually attachment is getting more fun. x) I mean, there's a lot of walking around and staring blankly, waiting for new patients to come in so you can ask them if they have glaucoma, but other than that, interviewing itself is really quite a pleasant job. The coffee from the vending machine is quite wonderful too, and seeing that I'm a non-coffee-drinker, it's saying something! Plus today was fun because I finally observed for myself what tap-tap the game is all about. :D

I asked my mum that day why I was studying in a jc, because I was suddenly struck by the idea that working in NUH's ophthalmology department as a technician really isn't a bad job at all-- you get to see all sorts of patients and probably make small talk with them if you want to, and it's also quite cosy, what with air-cons, and hot and foamy coffee, and a nice white lab coat for you.
And she said I shouldn't say things like that because I was scaring her, and she explained to me what all this studying would amount to in the end, which I'm sure all of you are very familiar with so I won't write them down here. At the end of it I concluded she made more sense.
DUH!, I'm sure.

First week has been quite relaxing cos in the day,I go to NUH; in the evening, I post something on my blog; tis quite a comfortable life.

Poey. I mean J. :D I don't really know what these supposed walls are really. But I suppose working in a place other than school and my home helps remove these walls :) like NUH.
I think volunteering at a hospital is quite a fun idea. It's just about whether I have time.
Of course, it's up to you to make time for yourself, that's what my mum would say immediately if I were to tell her this.

If I were stranded on an island, and I could take just one song with me, I'd take this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEUfscdqpNg&feature=related <33 A piano cover of one of Yiruma's songs.

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