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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

In this world, there are the uber practical people, and there are the ones who have their heads in the clouds, and there are the ones who try to have the best of both worlds. I think I'm the 3rd type, and boy, AM I TIRED.
I felt like I was gonna faint the whole of today (and today is my longest day) but now that I'm home and fresh as a daisy, I feel better (but still thinking of bed longingly).

Stay true to yourself. That's what I've learnt from all the people around me. And let other people stay true to themselves.

Mission for the week: catch up on work!

That guy's an asshole
And that girl's a bitch
Baby it's natural
No getting away from it
So sing it out with me 
And then let it go
F*** that guy he's just an asshole.

Great lyrics.

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