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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Right!! So my major presentations are over. :)
But I realized that the state of my readings is very bad because I'm lagging behind by about 2 weeks for tort and 1 week for contract. So it's out of the frying pan and into the fire maybe.
Got chided (but not very badly) by my prof during my presentation, and felt quite sad about it after. But cheered up significantly during samba and now I'm thinking it's all just part of a ploy to make me learn.
Cca person just said in our whatsapp chat that I and another girl wear a mask to cca. i.e. we don't bitch. Well... I just am not bitchy. And my friend too, that's why we get along. Though I must qualify the term 'bitch'-- I don't think it means anything derogatory in this context, it just means... really opinionated and out-spoken.

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