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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ohmygosh seriously is there no end to all this work.

Let me be a bit self-absorbed and post my to-do list here. So I can get some bearings on what I'm supposed to be doing. This is week 8.
1. Catch up on Tort week 7 readings
2. Read Tort week 9 readings
3. Revise contract: discharge by breach, discharge by agreement and performance, discharge by frustration, damages I and II. Test next Thursday.
4. Do contract skeletal for hypothetical. Due next Tuesday
5. Catch up on contract week 7 (and a bit of week 6) readings
6. Read contract week 9 readings
7. Start on TWC report and remind group members that it's probably due in week 11.
8. Start researching on TWC individual presentation topic. Due week 10, presenting week 11.
9. Start on AS presentation slides. Due week 10.
10. Sit down and piece together what really happened in LRW appellate brief assignment. Lots of visualization required. Due week 11.
So screwed, so screwed. Happy birthday.

Drifting in a sea of work indeed. But the lyrics are quite sweet.

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