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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Yay! All my presentations are over (except for the creative thinking presentation but I don't really count that).
Surprisingly for contract law presentation people said we did a good job. :))) I thought the process (meeting up, discussing) seemed too smooth-sailing to be true actually. I shall take their word for it and consider it a good job.
Anyway by my standards I think my group did quite well.
We did get asked some tough questions but... we could answer some of them at least.
And then today for samba the instructor said our section was the best :D guess we remembered all the rhythms and played well together. Yay!
Yup anyway this post is a narcissistic one for me to flaunt my cheerfulness.
Note to self: tomorrow I'll start to work on clearing my reading backlog. D: D:
So tired that I'm stoning subconsciously.

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