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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sigh. All the work's piling up and it doesn't seem like the workload's going to go away; conversely it looks like it's going to continue piling up until... week 12 (now it's week 9) and then my final exams will be week 14/15. And what's horrible is that in week 11 I'm gonna have 3 presentations! 2 on Monday, 1 on Tuesday. Unless I manage to get a swap. I think I'm going to enjoy week 11, in a rather sadistic manner.
This is madness!
I seriously need 48 hours in a day. Especially today when I'm trying to finish my work.
I feel so immobilized today. Don't feel like doing anything.
On the bright side though, I remember a senior saying that stress never helps. So right now I should be working on being zen. Which is why I'm listening to Kiss 92 FM and blogging.
Seriously whoever said university life was the most fun period in their lives never studied here. It gave me the impression that university life was going to be all fun and freedom.
But to be fair, I really am having fun here. Together with a hell lot of work.
What's fun in university are the people I hang around with, and the CCA I'm in. Granted, I don't know a lot of people in my CCA and I stick with my section mostly. Because otherwise I don't really have anything to say to other people except, hi. But in a CCA you don't primarily enjoy the company of the people, you enjoy the activity!

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