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Monday, April 16, 2012

For work, I've been sitting in what used to be the Director's office. :) I think few other temps have as good a working environment as I do. Hahaha! :D
Update-- All my law interviews and tests are over! I've thrown everything behind me and now I'm hoping for the best. But if you think of it in another way, law might not actually be the "best" because I think I'd be a mugger if I studied law. If, let's say, I went to do Business instead, I'd probably be freer in university. So, everything has it's downsides. I'll try not to be upset if I don't get into Law. And as my mum explained, if I don't get into Law, it's not an indication of my abilities but rather it shows that my character doesn't match that of a lawyer's. Because (she added with a snigger) I am just too square-minded sometimes. Something happened during my nus law interview that totally betrayed my "square-mindedness". I shan't put it here, but if you ask me, I'll gladly tell you. Haha. What to do, I was born square!

I read an article in the Sunday Times about responsibility coming with freedom. The journalist wrote that she has postponed her plans to work overseas because her father's health is ailing and she wants to help look after him. I think I fully understand what the writer is talking about, because I made the same choice myself just a few months ago. With the freedom to choose my future path came the responsibility of starting to worry a bit more about my mum. I don't think I'm taking care of her currently like how that journalist is taking care of her dad (my mum is still fit and working), but I think I have a responsibility to see her regularly and let her know she is not alone at home. So I decided to abandon my plans (or wild dreams) of studying overseas. I guess going overseas for a few months to study/work is fine, such as going for exchange programmes, but not staying overseas for 4 years. I might be making myself sound very noble. But I don't think I am because I think another reason why I'm not going overseas to study is because I can't take care of myself that well. Yet! So, these are the real reasons why I'm not going overseas. On top of these reasons is just one more hiccup in my overseas uni applications: I applied for biology courses for all the uk universities and now I think I don't want to study science anymore. Heheh.

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