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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Saw an email from my SL to confirm if we're going for band trip. Immediately thought about OCIP (!) so I went to SMB and lo and behold the results were out! Skipped a breath and wondered if I'd be selected. My intuition told me no. Anyway I clicked on the results and my intuition proved right.
First feeling was disappointment, second thought was 'yay can go for band trip'!

Why I didn't get in:
1. Interview performance not good enough
2. Teachers thought I should just go for band
Cos the teachers kept asking me if I'd be able to commit to both band and OCIP since both were in Dec...

I got slapped with 4 demerit points for not going to school! Cos of HFMD! You all should check your discipline records too.

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