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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Honestly, a part of myself says I should stop thinking about other stuff/ blogging and get on with PW and Vectors, but I don't care even though I might regret this, very soon. Whatever......

School, school, school. Work, worry, emo, work, happiness, emo again, work, work, worry, work, sleep. And the cycle repeats.
I'm not complaining about work. Everyone does work. Without work I cannot have any dreams of the future. So work is essential.

But what's missing from the cycle? Family time. I find it odd because my PW is about encouraging family bonding and here I am writing about it. Wow PW has integrated itself into my thoughts. Whatever......

It's a non-stop cycle, which leaves us with almost no time for sincere, heart-to-heart communication with our family. I almost feel like I'm living in a hostel.

I see my Mum the most often. For me and my mum, we're generally fine. She doesn't act her age. That's a compliment. ;)
But sometimes I feel like I've shoved her down the priority list, and maybe neglected her feelings-- come on, everyone wants feel appreciated, and sometimes I fail to give that appreciation. But she's understanding, she doesn't say anything.

My brother is a weird character. This isn't an insult and it's half a compliment. Like all older brothers he likes to bully little sisters no matter how grown-up they are, like when they are 17 years old. Apparently bullying is a form of stress relief and a form of affection. Right. That's the side of him I see the most.
The rest is hidden behind a veil, and that veil is his blog, which is really quite nice to read at times, but is also very cryptic.
Maybe that's why it's nice-- the reason why literature is nice is because it's ambiguous.

What would family life be like if we lived in the Stone Age? When things didn't move so fast, and we weren't so busy?

Okay that question is damn weird I can imagine my mum reading this post and saying SIAO! But hah i didn't give her my blog link.

But you get my meaning right. I think we'd all look inwards more and have many more happy times with our families.

I spent my day being restless while doing maths and generally getting quite annoyed with vectors and then I came here to do PW. Why's my day so short. zzz.

This weekend POOFed, I didn't do anything useful at all.

Then again, band farewell was on Saturday, it was quite fun. Although I wasn't really part of the action (action=camwhoring) I could feel that bittersweet atmosphere and there was a general feeling of content in the air, the kind of contentment you get by knowing that all has not ended and there is still this entity called HCBand that we can all pledge our allegiance to no matter where each of us has gone.
Right I sound like I'm the one graduating. Because I was usually sitting and looking about me I had a lot of time (and some fun) observing seniors around the room. The hyper ones were playing with mikes and singing to songs; the quiet ones were sitting together, in pairs or threes, and talking softly and earnestly, the rest were running around with cameras and taking lots of pictures.

Apparently my grandsenior of the Euphonium also learnt the Euphonium only in JC1, so my senior said that since he/she could learn it in time for SYF (?), we could too, oh yeah.
Given that the first section of the post was really quite emo-ish, I think I should remind myself that all is not lost, because I actually inserted a "happiness" in the middle of the Cycle of School, and I also said I "almost" feel like I'm living in a hostel, so yes, my house still feels like a home.


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