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Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday comes! It came like an arrow. At least it didn't pierce me. Uh whatever i donno what i'm saying.

Anyway, today's CT session was quite an interesting one,relatively. A senior got invited back, and given his really unique name I recognized him as my bro's ex-classmate/friend. Okay, comments on his talk.

On the whole it was like a load of tosh. It's because many motivational talks are like tosh. But I did take away quite a few things from it:

1) He talked about helping friends out.
It really made me reflect on the spot how I regard my friends, and how I think I'm helping them but maybe in actuality my 'help' might just words and no action. Made me think about old friends and new friends.

2) He talked about portfolios.
He said that having a long portfolio wasn't the key, the key was the quality of our experiences. Like 1 entry on our CV is enough if we really learnt a lot from it.

3) He talked about studying!
Oh my. Okay, studying= taking baby steps, revising bit by bit, and finally you emerge a winner and pwn.
He says that we should all go for consultations frequently because teachers teach better one-on-one. And I really agree because I've finally gone for KI consultation and it was really quite effective.

Wow I'm really sleepy now and my brain is like half-melted ice-cream, floppy and squishy and mashable and ......

Just came home from band dinner, thought I should go cos it's the last practice until promos. Went there, ate a hot fudge sundae, squished it around, stirred the fudge, stared around at potential new juniors and batchmates, and thought to myself how nice it would be if i could spend the night at Mac's cos I didn't feel like moving. Only time I was really talking was when I was telling my neighbour how amused I was at the tuba guy from high school. LOLZ. I think I was a bit loud cos a few people around looked at me and started staring at tuba guy too. HAHAHZ.

I'm eating my real dinner in front of computer nowz.

I think I get more reclusive with age.

Last time in social situations I was all bright-eyed and waiting for chances to chirp (i mean chat) with new people, really eager to make new friends. Now I'm not like that. I'm not saying I don't like making new friends now, I'm just more... inactive...inert...
But I derive more satisfaction/happiness just talking to 1 or 2 people, even if they are not my close friends, but just friends, or acquaintances.

Today Teacher looked rather unhappy. Was a tad scared. I'm scared of unhappy strangers. Anyway. That was because Teacher was worried.
Sigh things are getting so intense it's 5 weeks to promos.
Okay I will have a good night's sleep.

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