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Friday, October 2, 2009

I like Lord of the Rings songs :) Because there's such a large variety of them, with such a wonderful chorus. And sometimes when the flute plays the chorus, it actually makes you feel quite sad.

I think it will be really nice to get a chance to work in the film industry. As a director, composer, wow... Then you get to make big hits like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter and animations like Up! :D

Had a sudden wave of panic today on the bus. About what? Exams and marks, of course -.-
What if I failed Chinese, IH, LA, yadahyadah. Of course I managed to console myself in the end (with the help of a book-- Bachelors' Anonymous hahah)...

I guess exams are good in a way...
But they help to induce high levels of insecurity. D:

Unless you're a really confident person.

Maybe I'm just heaping my worries onto something else by saying this, oh wells.

Exams are not worth a post!

Feeling rather relaxed now. With the help of playing games with Cheryl and listening to LOTR music :) and food and Bachelor's Anonymous lalala.

What a nice feeling :)

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