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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I think I lead a very... sedentary lifestyle. I don't do anything that doesn't come my way-- I don't take any initiative to make my life anything more than school. I don't go exercising (unless it's PE time), I don't go out unless it's necessary. I don't have other activities besides school. I don't talk to people unless they're within my immediate lifestyle. Once events are over, the people linked with that place and task are over too. Out of sight, out of mind. Zap.
(Although this certainly won't happen with my class. And it's more than just the fact that we're going to the same JC.)
I call it being inert. Others might call it deprived. I don't have a lot of productive time for myself.

Unless you say that blogging and reading is productive. -.o
Well, in another way, maybe.

And while I blog, I'm waiting for MSN to sign me in, and it's been failing for the past few attempts. I bet a hermit leads a more engaging life.

I'm not sure if all this self-deprecation is worth reading. A person needs to wallow in such self-pity sometimes. Cos everyone has un-admirable sides of themselves. And blogger has no 'set to private' function. Maybe using LJ's better.

Speaking of LJ, my account's still up! And I shudder a little when I read my sec 1 and 2 posts... Because they were quite a telling image of myself a few years ago.
What was I doing on LJ? Reading posts about tennis.

Back to wallowing.

I think the most interesting thing that I do everyday is speaking with my friends.

That wasn't meant to be sarcastic, it's more of a gesture of appreciation.

And speaking of friends, I think what zing and chrissy said is true for me too. Up till a (certain) point in time, I've always been very privately critical of my friends, observing them, eliminating them whenever I felt let down.
Rather selfish and insecure of myself, I'll add.
Which is why reading old posts on LJ gave me slight creeps.

Maybe next time I'll read this blogger account of mine and shudder at how narrow my perspective on life was.

Meanwhile, I must take the chance to appreciate what I have, because I still have biology and maths to accompany me on this rather tiring journey of exams. -.-

(On the other hand, the conscience in me says that it would actually be wiser to encourage myself more positively, so that I'll be more motivated to study. Whatever.)

Hello Biology.

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