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Friday, September 30, 2011

I really wish I could step into a time machine and visit, for one week, a place with no handphones and no Internet. And I'll see how people managed to live life happily without their devices, and maybe I'll learn a thing or two about communicating with others. Sometimes I feel like if every bit of emotion I felt was put up on the Internet or some tech-y device, I'll become emptier myself. Okay, it's not like everything I think or feel is broadcasted, but sometimes I do feel worn out, and that's when I feel like retreating to some deserted hill and meditating on it. Maybe this is why some people in the older generation (or even younger??) refuse to buy handphones or set up (for example) a facebook account. But much as I believe in privacy, I still think we should be in sync with the times, so not owning a handphone might be a little extreme. We just need to maintain a balance and stop walking around with our noses buried in some screen.

Still, technology has some clear benefits, and here's one of them :3

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