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Saturday, September 10, 2011

I saw a status update on facebook one day. It went something like "I love (my teacher)! Today he said: Boys and girls, if you continue being so rational, you'll never find love!".

It was quite funny and catchy but I didn't figure out what it meant, until today, when I reflected a little and realized that it meant quite a great deal. If we keep rationalizing our actions we're never going to accept ourselves and the people around us.

Okay. Have I mentioned how cute I think Cameron Mitchell (the glee project) is? :))) He might not be the most handsome or charismatic singer around, but his voice is good and it's interesting to watch a singer start out without any training at all (he's self-taught). I hope he gets a recording deal, somehow!

Prelims in two days, bless my brains, and may time multiply itself!

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