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Monday, July 18, 2011

Today marks the end of a fruitless weekend.
I spent it watching Harry Potter on Friday evening :3
On Saturday I recuperated from Harry Potter Syndrome, by trawling the net for videos on the pretext of doing some thinking.
On Sunday, today, I did some thinking-- but that was all I did, there wasn't much writing-- and tried recuperating a bit more from the Syndrome. Then I went to the Scholarship Fair, and emerged from it feeling a little more inclined towards studying overseas, but still sticking with the decision to try for NUS first.(unless I make a decision to study something like occupational therapy, then I'll probably go overseas?)Then I came back and did more thinking--but that was all I did, there wasn't much writing.

Quite a bit of enjoyment this weekend but I feel like I'm stuck at the bottom of a well now. >(

If I don't treasure my future, nobody else will... Sounds a little melodramatic, but there's some truth in it, quite a large part of my career hinges on what I do to my life these few months.

One of my crazier takeaways from the scholarship talk was that I might like to study something crazy like another language e.g. ___ culture and studies. But it's not practical. And I'll get bored of it after a few days.
Another not crazy but quite earnest takeaway was that I might like to try for journalism after all. (But one reservation I still have is that I don't fancy doing crazy things and writing an article about how I spent a stupid day doing a stupid something just to write an article to bore readers about a stupid day I had.) So maybe I'd study PPE...?
Another extremely practical and not crazy takeaway was that I could study bio-engineering.
I have sort of made a decision, though, which is that I think I'd like my university studies to have at least a philosophy component.

Apparently I'm strange. Am I strange?
That's such a narcissistic question. It's rhetorical. Don't answer it.

Anyway, here's a wonderful soundtrack. It fits my mood, because I can anticipate impending doom and suffering. But in movies, suffering always brings with it a tinge of beauty, so... enjoy this... :3
Here goes.
(I think it would look quite ugly/scary on my blog if I embedded it.)

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