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Thursday, July 28, 2011

This post is just blogger diarrhea.
Haiz feeling quite overwhelmed now with all the things I have to do. I've been making mental notes all day to do things that are behind time, but I haven't jotted them down, so now I just have this feeling of having lots of things to do but not a clear idea of what to do.
It's all I can do to stop myself from going to sleep. I don't even feel like packing stuff for swimming or wtv lesson tomorrow.
I guess the best plan for now is to do something now at least and do up a plan tomorrow.
Gilbert O' Sullivan looked so carefree hammering away at the piano and singing, but how much pain did he experience and how much hard work did he put in just to make it to that stage?
No idea where I want to study for university. My mum says I should go to NUS because I can't take care of myself overseas, given the way I whine (when she's around). But I guess I shouldn't limit myself and I shall take a quick glance at all the possible UK universities and NUS collectively tomorrow/saturday and come up with a Grand Plan of World Domination. >< right.
I think school should stop NOW and we should all stay at home and do our own revision through e-learning and consults can then be booked with teachers on our own initiative. Roar. No one listens to the Supreme-Ruler-of-the-Universe-wannabe.
Sigh so crazy bye.
Oh yeah my brother came home just now and started manhandling me (more or less) and I wondered how I could have missed him yesterday. Haiz. He says he hasn't played with me for a long while. I guess that's how you feel with siblings. You get manhandled by them but miss them when they aren't around to manhandle you. How cheap.
I guess insanity is really the best response to many things in this world. I don't know. Insanity as in, weird things you do when you try to indulge yourself in escapism. You can't take the long struggle, so you just do weird things to keep your mind from wandering, so you can continue doing what you're supposed to do. Haiz.
Decided to end this post on a positive note, so:

From http://celebmancrushblog.files.wordpress.com. Yeah.
So kewt. :3

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