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Saturday, June 11, 2011

My thoughts kept drifting today. And they drifted to...

My Post A-level Plans!

Given that I've about 9 or 10 months to myself, there's plenty for me to plan.
Currently I've signed up for an extension of my NUH project (that I did last December), even though a part of me wonders fervently why I've done that when I've no intention at all of entering Medicine. Another part of me replies that things can be done for fun and for the experience, or simply put, because "I just want to". Not everything I do needs to end up as a sparkling gem in my CV. I do hope the latter part of me is right. On the other hand, if it's true that everything I do now should be a sparkling gem on my CV, then I think I'd have nothing to do during my holidays because I still have no clear idea of what my career is going to be. Anyway, it can be quite interesting interviewing patients.
And I just realized that the other people I signed up with are all interested in studying Medicine next time. We probably have different expectations of our attachment, argh. I think I'm going to the slackest in the group, if we go.

Back to the topic. This attachment is only going to take up about 1 to 2 months. So I googled "what should I do during my holidays". (Yes, it's odd asking Google questions. It's like Google is some grand-old Life Advisor.) But lo and behold, this popped up: http://www.onlinevolunteering.org/en/vol/index.html
Sounds kind of interesting. But would they take an 18 year old? Maybe.

Other unformed plans about my holidays include doing some ocip, and having a part time job. An internship sounds rather impossible at the moment. That's about it...

I'm sure I want to go on a vacation first though.

Okay, enough day-dreaming, goodbye.

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