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Monday, June 6, 2011

I've come here to give some semblance of life to my otherwise robotic existence.

Okay, that was just meant as a catchy introduction. It doesn't really mean anything.

Other than realizing that The Deadline is coming ever closer, and getting awed everyday by the amount of revision I haven't done, I haven't really felt any other emotion the past few days.

Although on Saturday I had a huge bout of Student's Depression and I spent my day slacking around the house.

Still, there isn't any point getting moody over all this; I've faced it, I'm not emo-ing, this is my life! No one will think you are a heartless creature if you stop whining about your life.
I was thinking of things I would say to my younger self. Here they are:
1) Don't read too deeply into things that teachers say. I mean, teachers are human, and all humans don't speak in abstract manners-- they go straight to the point.
2) Have a life and stop studying. Be a spoilt child and beg your parents to send you for classes-- not tuition, but maybe music lessons, dance classes, etc.
3) Get on the computer and learn how to use it. (I only really started using it regularly in Primary 6. Zzz
4) Talk more.
Yup, just thinking. I can't say I didn't have a childhood but I think it has potential to have been so much brighter.
My views of what self-worth consists of have changed a lot over the years. Sometimes I think that I shouldn't have thought like that when I was younger-- I was such a product of society. I don't really want to say what I mean by that. But it's not worth much of my thought now. Anyway, 10 years later, I'll probably think to myself again about how foolish I was when I was 18 years old.
Where do people go during the holidays? While I'm at home, while I'm outside with my family or by myself, where do people from school go? Do they still exist?
Duh, they do, but I mean, it's like a huge part of my brain that was dedicated to social interaction has suddenly emptied out.
Now that means I should have more brain capacity to do other stuff.
Have I mentioned how cool X-Men was? :D
Now, Post-A's to do list item number one: WATCH THE X-MEN SERIES! :D

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