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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Me: "I fat already!!"
Bro: "You mean now then you know ah."

Today was yet another day of pigging out, I think my tummy's getting rounder and the weighing scale is wailing louder whenever I step down from it.

Was watching the countdown on new year's eve. Felt a brief sense of loss when the countdown ended, like I wanted to clutch at 2010 but it was slipping away 8(
But what must come has already come, so we must face it, like how we eat horrible things like octopuses and snails and declare them delicious.
But 2010 was really a good year, a different year. It might not have been very outstanding but I think it taught me more than I learnt in the previous years.

Had thirteener lunch today. A few hours of sitting down together to a meal was enough to bring my mind back to old times.
Then went window shopping, and ate ice cream (yays).

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3Gb69rVZ9Y Fits the mood now.

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