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Friday, January 14, 2011

Ayyee it's Friday quite a boring day because I spent time before band with Maths and Maths alone, and it didn't really want to cooperate with me... And now there's no one online!!! That I talk to.

I've mastered the art of sleeping in Econs lessons without the teacher or anyone else noticing. I think it's because I listen to the teacher half-asleep and try to copy notes half-asleep. But before my hand reaches the paper I'll have reached another degree of unconsciousness, so I'll forget what I wanted to write and end up leaving ink trails on the paper instead. Then wake up, and correction-tape away all the funny ink trails and the cycle repeats. So I look like I'm taking notes.

I have no idea if I should continue taking Econs. On one hand I don't really like it (it's fine~~) and it would be good to focus on my H2s. On the other I've mugged through about 2/3 of it and we're finishing the syllabus soon, so might as well finish, and also if I drop it then I don't have enough points to get the award or diploma or what. Did I count correctly.

Hmm band is interesting because... the parts that you play are not really nice on their own, but when you play with other people then one song gets put together and it sounds quite nice. And you can have like a 20 bar rest and still enjoy the music other people play.

Yays ISYF ends this sunday and next monday everyone will come back yayy. :D

Hmm... first week of school. Was fine I suppose. Nothing much to say, not full of emo like last time. Ohgosh my friend's class has GOOD tutors man. Seriously.
But no point comparing teachers la it all boils down to myself.
Highlights of this week. Open house. Seeing ISYF friends in school.
Inspiration of the week. Teachers dished out some good bits of wisdom to us.


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