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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hoho, back from cruise! Quite fun, ate a lot, the tours weren't very good, because of the traffic jams and the long-winded tour guide, food was good, place was nice. I can't stand it, facebook is not as active as it used to be...

Actually it was quite nice, not bringing my handphone onto the ship. Didn't keep checking it and twirling it around with my fingers, felt more relaxed. Should just chuck my handphone away for the rest of my life but I think that wouldn't be practical.

We are all geographical people, and we don't talk to the people far away from us, physically, as much as the people around us. Even though these people are our close friends. So I suppose the amount of talking one does isn't a measure of how many friends one has...
Like this poem says, some people talk and talk and make you want to cry. (PDD, last page, I think)And some people touch your hand and music fills the sky~

I'm such a lazy undisciplined ass because whenever I get out of the house and return in the late afternoon I don't feel like doing homework for the rest of the day, and I just slack off. And given that I will be doing that for the next 2.5 weeks, I have a lot to worry about >(

Anyway, I was doing a bit of thinking about next year and what I'm going to do after that. All this planning sounds really great, on the surface: When people asked me what I want to do after JC, I used to feel this ballooning inside me, like I was going to tell them something great, something noble, something that could save the world, and I would smile, and then somehow I would tell them, I don't know.

I think doing a H3 is wonderful-- it's not just that it will add to your portfolio if you get an A, it's also because you'll get to learn a lot of interesting stuff. But it's a huge burden. I know if you're really interested in something you should say, yes, it's a burden, but it's a sweet burden, things like that. On a more practical note, it's usually better to know your limits, as all well-meaning/discouraging people say, so I think I have decided to let it go, and go easy on myself and my white hair. I suppose one can never learn enough, but is it really wise to squeeze all that mugging into one short year?

This brings me to another point, and please stop reading if you have some place else to go, because I'm just going to ramble and garble on about myself.
I think I've cancelled medicine off my list for university courses.

Reason 1 being that I'm not up to standard, in the sense that I'm not a do-gooder. I think you need to have lots of CIP and hospital attachments for that, and I haven't done any of those, and it's not possible to squeeze all that into J2, unless I want all my hair to turn white from keeping late nights and running around.

Reason 2. Medicine (the course) is tough work and is too overwhelming for flimsy-minded people like me. By flimsy-minded, I mean, people who like to daydream, are not disciplined with their time, are fickle-minded, and spend quite a lot of time being confused. I'm not criticising myself. I quite like to daydream and ponder about things a lot.

And why do my relatives' faces turn into a grimace when I tell them medicine sounds interesting? Lol...

I suppose there are many other ways I could earn a decent living and help other people too, when I get out of school.

On a side note, band pracs are quite satisfying. 8]
Just that I don't mix around a lot, and I prefer to go away and spend time by myself when I find myself caught in social situations I feel uncomfortable in.
To each his (her) own.

Gonna watch 破天网 now 8]. Why oh why am I slacking *whacks self figuratively*

I suppose I am really lazy, although I'm also surprised that I haven't realized it earlier. Took 17 years of being lazy to realize what laziness was.

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