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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

So, so depressed.
Usually in the middle of exam periods I have neither the mood nor the time to feel depressed, but now I do.
I feel like my self-worth has plummeted 100 points, yes, from 100 to 0.
I think it's partly because of Bio today. Bio was just a disaster. 10 on the Richter scale. Then again, I've never done a Bio paper which didn't feel like a disaster. But it still isn't good news, because I feel worse than I did after the block tests.
And then it's also because of some other more intangible reason... the general feeling that Chem and Maths aren't going to be any better.

But now that I've typed all this out it somehow feels like all this is just stupid black fluff that is out to get my morale down. Okay. Let me cheer up. Twang!

This is addressed to my future self who will look at my Promo marks and be shocked and emo and whatever. I feel like it's okay to make mistakes now. Even if I make a mistake everyday of my life, which is really quite pathetic, but possible, because (school) life is pathetic, but even if I do, as long as I learn from it, it will be fine. I might have regrets at the end of the day, but it is still better than ignorance, ie. not knowing your mistake. And also I need to warn my future self that no matter how well I do, there will always be people better than me, and such is the case for everyone, not just me. So it is bad to compare, as long as it involves comparing yourself with somebody else. And I also need to remember what wise teacher Mr Tan said-- "You are not your grades".

And I feel inspired by people who can go through 3 emotionally-gruelling days of Promos and still sound so happy, motivated, and ready to run.
Actually, KI wasn't very gruelling. Econs was...not gruelling either but after that I discovered mistakes but I don't care. And Bio was a catastrophe.

So I will go and study Chemistry now and hope that it will just be a gentle breeze on my face tomorrow.

And on Friday my self-worth will go up again, because I will be able to do all the things that I haven't been able to do.

Like playing the piano! Reading!

Oh noes I wasted so much time I'm going to dai for chem.

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