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Friday, October 8, 2010

Oh wtpeep Monday is not a free day for me. Zzz! Anyhow. I suppose it will be fun. It will be something different from going to school.
Anyway, I'm FREE today.
The Black Shadow of Mordor has passed!

Dreams should be made of paper so you can blow them away when you know you can't reach them.

Post-promo to-do list:
Somehow I think the whole "post-promo" label makes our lives sound really narrow. It's like BC and AD; Promos are apparently such a huge milestone in our lives.

1) Re-read LOTR
2) Read other books: Guy __ Kay (?), Salman Rushdie, other unread books at home, read classics, Sylvia Plath, raid my brother's room for books.
3) Play piano! and go and find new music to play
4) Be happy
5) Mug for J2 (NO.)
6) PW i love pw.
7) LOTR movie marathon HAHAH
8) Do something weird like learning how to knit

I need to re-appreciate the beauty of the writing in LOTR. :D

And discover the beauty of so many other books.

Remembered what jyun said today: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn19429-laws-of-physics-may-change-across-the-universe.html so cool!

Cute (song): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DLp-vE3AKg

I'm reading about the poet Sylvia Plath's life on Wiki and it made me really scared for a while. It made me realize how unimaginably scary it is to be really depressed and to have no one but yourself for company. To be trapped in your own mind. D: Apparently people who practise the arts (particularly poetry) are more likely to be depressed, especially female poets. :X

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