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Monday, October 11, 2010

List of authors to look up in library:
1) David Sedaris
2) Salman Rushdie
3) Guy Gavriel Kay

List of sheet music to look for:
1) Yiruma's pieces

Today was fun. Looking forward to attachment! :)
Doctor and nurses were very friendly and the RP students were... different. Most of us were stonefaced at first including me, but most of them came across as street-smart, socially smart.
And most of them have worked before or are working. Hey I want a part-time job too! But I'm just talking here because I know I'll never (not in the near future) muster enough willpower to a) scout for a job b) sacrifice my own time and c) get my mother's permission to go out and work.
He says that JC students like to think in straight lines, and walk in straight lines, and even when they reach a wall they don't stop, they just zhuang4 qiang2.

But I do agree, to some extent. Sometimes after reflecting on how I think I feel like I've been bred to think in black and white. After all my life has been a breeze so far, and I've never had to fight hard for something I really wanted. And I'm not just thinking about IP, where we can just go straight to that elite JC without groveling with the rest of the nation in O'levels.

You're smart. You're not so smart.
You're hardworking. You're lazy.
I'm privileged. You're not. I should pity you.
I see my surroundings as this binary system. Maybe I see things in between, gray areas, but that's all, my world has just black, white and grey.
I want to see the world!

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