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Friday, October 15, 2010

Dreary post alert...
Used to segregate my life into: Normal school life, exam time, and slack time. But it probably won't work now, seeing that I've slacked all my days from end of promos till now and accumulated quite a lot of backlog already. Shall stop wasting time, soon, and do some work.
Feeling unusually at peace with everything around me, which also means not in the mood to talk to people physically around me. Feeling at peace enough to want to camp outside in a tent and wonder about life's great mysteries, whatever they are. Haven't stared at the stars in a long time...
Listened to some oldies today... 周华建,邓丽君... her voice is really nice! Can't actually find a modern substitute for her.
Played the piano today...yay! Just some old songs I rummaged out. Quite annoyed that the lizards actually climbed onto my piano to relieve themselves GRRR. But it just shows that I haven't been using my piano for a very long time, because in my house, disused furnitures always become toilets for lizards.

Looking forward to lessons resuming, surprisingly. I just want to get back to that routine even though it previously robbed me of lots of sleep. I don't want JC to end! More precisely, I don't want JC1 to end.


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