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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Horrible me... Lazing around at home... instead of going out*coughcough*...
Band outing 1pm @ bedok, Class outing 2pm/stj @ hougang. Right. Mmm.

Would like to do many things which are actually not my business.

Would not like to do a few things which I am involved in.


8( Why did I not get to do a research project! Sigh. But this is water under the bridge. No point brooding over it liaozxzxz.

I want to go on a Glee binge now but I think it would be unwise. Maybe I'll just settle for every Wednesday 10 pm on Channel 5. Wow I love the Glee acapella songs :D
Why don't we have an acapella club in school! Awesome much? :)
many other awesome songs too, get yourself off your notes and go on a Glee Spree! :D
WOW flight of the bumblebee acapella?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6y3oTycMa0&feature=related

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