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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

OMG! (Please continue reading if you want a recount of my band exco interview!)

Okay. The interview was disappointing, hilarious, and disturbing.
I shall go in a chronological order!

1. I dozed off while reading my KI notes in the morning, and woke up at 10.15. Promptly went UH-OH! in my head and dashed off, leaving the house at 10.30.

2. Reached the interview venue at 11.30, which is when the interview's supposed to start. Before that I ran up 4 storeys, so when I reached the place my legs were shaky and I was panting. Visibly. Argh! Seniors noticed and told me to chill... And so I explained that I ran up the stairs. D: Bad start already!!!
My mum says I should have cabbed there, and yeah I should have done that!

3. When I walked into the room my first thought was "O_O the interview panel is so huge! And the whole exco is here!" O: It was 11 people seated in an arc in front of me D:
Then after that I saw an overturned chair right in my path, near the door. And another upright chair further away but not in the centre. So I walked around the overturned chair and carried the upright one to the centre and sat down. All this while there were chuckles coming from my seniors -_-
Lol come to think of it that was funny. And my mum was laughing at me cos she thinks what I did was stupid >_> She says I should have placed the overturned chair in the correct position and sat on that one instead. But ahh there's no right and wrong for this kind of thing. I think interviewers do that just to laugh at their interviewees lor! Hahahah.

4. First question: "Describe yourself in 5 sentences."
At this point in time I was still panting while trying to answer the question. This was when they told me to chill. And somebody offered me her water bottle but I declined. Hai.
Anyway I spat out my description for this question and tried to catch my breath better after that.
Plus when I started talking I noticed there was something wrong with my voice! Only after the interview did I realize that it was because my voice was actually a notch higher. O:
Okay but after the first question I think I got calmer, caught my breath better, spoke slightly more normally.

5. The rest of the questions... I'm not going to type out all of them, but they asked questions like:
-- You're not in main band. How do you think that will affect your chances of getting into exco?
-- What do you think a librarian should be like? (oh i'm running for librarian btw.)

6. And finally... they asked me this:
Can you tell us a joke?
o_o hahah
Anyway my first thought was Blue Gorilla! (credits to jiayun) But I decided that was too long and so I went on to the Lame Prawn joke ("lame sia!") (credits to pam). And most of the J2 exco recognized that except a few, who groaned when I told them the answer. So lame sia.

The end!
Lol hahahah I think my seniors are funny.

Sigh I shouldn't have been so lazy in the morning!!!!! Regrets, regrets.

So for the rest of the day in school (which ended at 5) I was feeling a bit jumpy-- after-effects of quite a disastrous interview.
On the plus side I think it was good I could answer all the questions.


And then after that there was the DNA workshop. Feeling a bit uncertain about my DNA sample cos I'm not so sure I put it in the right amounts. Dealing with tiny amounts of liquid is not my thing. Let's hope it turns out well!

As for exco results, erm, I don't want to think about it... It's good enough that I've gone through the interview and prepared a speech, so I'll just leave everything to... this Friday!

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