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Sunday, July 4, 2010

http://8tracks.com/marshy/a-celebration-after-exams-d <-- listen! :D
I just want to go back somewhere, I'm not sure if I mean school. But I really feel very bored here at home and maybe 5 on a scale of 1 to 10 of oppression. Oh well.
The atmosphere's so still and stagnant.

I'm trying to be a hardworking git at home and starting on the next bio topic. I'm moving really slowly since I've been staring into space and now I'm here, but this is not the point.

I don't like it when people give me too many instructions. Firstly, I don't operate according to specific rules, I just do what feels right at the moment. Or if in times of emergency, I set my own and follow it as best as I can. Secondly, instructions given in the morning when I'm still trying to find an exit from dreamland are really quite overwhelming and can dampen my mood for the rest of the day. I know the instructions are given out of goodwill and sincerity but my inner teenage tantrum says that it is unacceptable.
And another thing is that I feel like such a slacker because I haven't done my share of household chores and I can hear my brother hard at work. D<>

Sometimes I really feel so small. Everyone is contributing something.

But look at that girl, slouching in her room, notes scattered on the table, sulking in front of the laptop for no good reason.

The girl would like to add that this blog post is amusing herself and also that she almost only posts when she's not happy about something. So do not think that this girl is always unhappy.

Since I'm about 2 metres away from my biology notes and would like to keep it that way, I shall give a brief overview of blocks. Everything was fine on day 1 and 2 which was KI and econs respectively. Really quite manageable. Relatively. Then everything went downhill, starting from Maths, and didn't improve with Chem and Bio.

What's in an extended family?
What more connects you with your cousin or cousin's cousin or parent's cousin besides lineage and maybe more than a decade of seeing each other grow taller without really talking much?
Anyway I went for my parent's cousin's wedding lunch yesterday. Very rosy, very pretty, very boring. My aunts and uncle (who are part of family, not extended family) discovered that they actually have this other cousin at the wedding. Oohlala.

Am reading this book Jess lent me. It's called The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. The blurb is mediocre but the storyline is really quite interesting. Do writers write as a form of escapism? I'd like to think that this writer did. Heh oh well nvm. Yes I am finally reading a storybook after about 6 months away from them. Oh yeah. Uhhuh!

One burning question that I always ask myself is, what would I like to be when I grow up?(I realise that the distinction between childhood/teenagehood and adulthood is really blurred by now) So what would I like to study when I go to university? I have no idea.
This is bad. Because sometimes I ask myself softly in my mind whether I really love studying or if I'm studying for the sake of doing well enough.
Of course the easiest answer to stick to for now is, study to get an A, it doesn't matter if you like it or not right now. There is definitely some degree of liking the subject though. I guess that is enough. For now.

Hahah. "It is not your fault but it's your problem." I remember whining to my brother about something and I said "But it's not my fault!" in a very 妹妹 kind of voice. And then he said that to me. And after reading his blog I realised that came from his sec 2 friend. Ah. Such power.
This teaches me to shoulder responsibility for everything in my path. Whatever matter concerns me is my responsibility. Does not help to shout and curse at whoever caused the problem, at least not too much. What's most important is getting around it and not letting it affect you.

This makes me sound really self-centred, like, so if something else happens to someone it's not my responsibility? But that's not what I'm saying yeah... I just mean, imagine a venn diagram, there's Responsibility in the huge area, and in it are 2 circles, one is me and one is others. Although I'm not very sure what I mean by others, whatever that is physically not myself but which concerns something else, I guess... family, friends, community, oh my country, the world, ya.

The World Cup, yeah. How could Melo have done an own goal. D<>
Although I think Suarez is a honking cheaterbug, based on what I've read in the New Paper. But what's done within the rules is fair and square, and so Suarez is innocent, he's a national hero.

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