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Monday, March 10, 2014

Oh my gosh I am so freaking tired...and I had a panic attack about my research paper. Sigh. But problem solved. 大学真的不容易.

From my tumblr collection (I just collect whatever makes me happy)

I (and my classmates) definitely deserve a pat on the back for weathering through so much crap. And becoming battered and beaten ourselves, in terms of spiritual and emotional welfare. And physical health as well because we sit so much (I am so going to gym soon). No matter what the results are I think I have surpassed all expectations by doing all this. It doesn't matter that right now my results are not stellar at all (in fact they are the opposite, if you look at the bell curve). We should learn to give ourselves the credit we deserve.
But I also need to work my ass off for the upcoming weeks, because despite how high up my horse I sound, I still need to make sure I do well enough for this semester.

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