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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Life is unfair. I never knew what this really meant until I entered university. I'm sure when I start working, my definition of 'unfair' will change again. But for now, life. is. unfair. I was complaining to my brother and he unsympathetically told me: life is unfair.
And I guess I'm just not used to it because prior to university, life for me was damn good.
Still, I guess like all other things, it boils down to whether my heart is big enough to accept all this unfairness, and whether I have enough drive and fight in me to try to conquer this damn unfairness.
And better still, I read a quote somewhere that goes along the lines of-- Don't take life too seriously, because when it's over you will feel like a fool.
And yes, I think I've been taking it too seriously (i.e. too personally.) Nope, for now it will be to sieve out my thoughts from my feelings, and to put my thoughts into some good action.
And realize that yes, my life is still pretty damn good in many ways.

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