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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Damn, from the dreams I've been having at night, I know I'm stressed about this constant rush against time I have to deal with. Maybe that's the style of my university education; it simulates work life where there's also a horde of deadlines you have to meet. In my dreams I've been rushing against time in all sorts of ways, be it running up and down stairs, or trying to fit keys into mismatched locks while somebody clicks his tongue nearby. Yet I find relief in being able to go to bed knowing I've done quite a fair bit of work in the day time-- although this is never enough because there's always more work to be done, more work pouring in.
But this stress is only one side of my life-- the subconscious, nocturnal side of me, I guess. In broad daylight I am fine, I am just like every other person on the street, walking with a sense of purpose, chatting and laughing, and so on (and celebrating my birthday yesterday). I would call it my daytime self-- my daytime self knows that there's nothing to worry about, it knows that everything is going as planned, and if emergencies crop up, it would know how to remedy the situation. My nighttime self is the one that is saying: can Summer please get its ass over here right now.
Just had to get this out of me today because my mood says it's a good time to air my inner self, and now that I've done it, I think I can concentrate better on stuff.
Get on, get on.

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