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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ooh baby, baby it's a wild world.
Know what song? :)

Anyway I feel damn sian today. It's like after a day of interacting I feel sick (kinda) of people and I just wanna sit in my room and listen to songs.
Do you get that feeling?

Feeling quite grown-up. Haha. Don't snicker behind your screens.
1. Adults keep poker faces.
2. Adults have a healthy measure of skepticism.
3. Adults don't always trust easily.
4. Adults take responsibility. Or in skeptical Singlish, adults cover their backsides.

But a part of me is insistent on childhood. It says that it's so tiring keeping track of all these lessons learnt. It's much better skipping through life among rows of rose bushes.
But no, this rosebush-lined path is ending. It's turning into a swamp. We need to tread smartly/carefully.

Sigh. A mixture of boredom, tiredness and skepticism just set in. Goodnight.

Oh, at least youth is on my side. I still retain a sense of wonder and insecurity. Oh yes, insecurity points towards adventure, in my opinion. You don't know where you're heading to. Goodnight.

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