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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Yesterday I was cabbing from work to samba nominations. The driver was really entertaining. I zoned out once or twice maybe, but that was not because he was boring but more because the ride was so long. I really respect people who make an effort to reach out to total strangers like me and share their theories about things under the sun.
So what did he talk about? He talked about music, about his son, about his work, about his wife, about math, about how the world is an illusion.
Interesting mix right? Just imagine an earnest guy driving you to your destination and talking to you about all these seamlessly.
And at the end he said 妹妹你要用功读书啊,祝你身体健康,uncle 最喜欢的是读书人。 对不起啊,uncle 很叽喳。
So I said 不会,很好听,祝你身体健康!
I was late for my samba nominations thingy (it was quite an important event) because there was a jam but I don't mind at all... :)

Friday, June 28, 2013

Haha inspired by my aunt who imputed this piece of wisdom to me during our trip to Korea. It's really true, look at the number of people out there with insomnia or digestive problems. And here is happy little you having 3 meals a day, pooping once a day and not being able to get enough of the sweet nothingness called sleep.
There's enough to be thankful for.
But to go beyond feeling thankful it depends on what happens between eating, pooping and sleeping.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ahahaha. Feeling quite pissed and amused right now. (about work)
I have a feeling I that I've possibly over-committed this holidays. Not sure. But I shall just continue with my plans anyway because life just goes on. It's really hard to plan things properly because things just spring up unexpectedly.
54 days of summer left.
So many ways to spend it.
It's easy to say that you'll be committed but it's another thing to commit to something over a long period of time, especially when it demands a significant bit of time (a.k.a. cca).

Maybe I should think of myself less and think of bigger things. And think less about petty issues.

Sigh my blog posts have degenerated into meaningless cliche sentences that don't do anything at all. I think I should just stop talking here. I feel like the only things of value here are my fangirl YouTube videos.

I REALLY LOVE PENTATONIX I think they just made my world several shades brighter. :D

Sunday, June 23, 2013



Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hmm. Before my trip to Korea, my new friend from CIP offered to introduce some guys to me. She assured me of the quality of their characters, after I let some alarm register on my face. I declined the offer after some badgering. Haha. As my mum says, it just depends on fate... I'm not particularly eager to get attached either... well, not anymore. Would anyone have said yes to that question?

And then Korea! Really fun, lots of walking, bought some new clothes (:D); pampered little princess I am.
Will upload photos soon, when I'm up for staring at my screen for prolonged periods. 

Unfortunately I'm down with a cough now, but I'm still going for CIP tomorrow, and then work starts on Thursday. Went for work training today-- information overload. Coughed a bit and my boss offered me hot tea. Totally expecting myself to make a mistake during work-- but of course I'll be 110% vigilant and try not to make any :X

An example of what I mean when I say I love UK's music:

Friday, June 14, 2013

All children deserve an equal amount of love. But some sorely lack it, while others are overwhelmed with it.
I just wanna be left alone tonight.
Anyway today I'm really pleased that a little Korean toddler boy gave me a huge smile when I smiled at him with my cutest, sweetest smile.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Arts mock camp samba workshop: today I found out I actually kind of like teaching. Building upon the experience of shepherding kids about a few days ago.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Oh my gosh, my gosh, I'm in love. :')


Friday, June 7, 2013

Just concluded a CIP which involved working with children.
Now whenever somebody says that they work with children for a living, I look at them in a different, more respectful light. Informed my mum of my new perspective. There's something very respectful about giving unconditionally to beings who are mostly quite oblivious to what you're doing for them. That said, I am definitely not praising myself, because I didn't work with them for very long.
Another example is Ash Morgan in The Voice UK-- he works with special needs children for a living. That's really noble. His voice is really great too, check him out.

Just look, a guy singing a Beyonce song.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ooh baby, baby it's a wild world.
Know what song? :)

Anyway I feel damn sian today. It's like after a day of interacting I feel sick (kinda) of people and I just wanna sit in my room and listen to songs.
Do you get that feeling?

Feeling quite grown-up. Haha. Don't snicker behind your screens.
1. Adults keep poker faces.
2. Adults have a healthy measure of skepticism.
3. Adults don't always trust easily.
4. Adults take responsibility. Or in skeptical Singlish, adults cover their backsides.

But a part of me is insistent on childhood. It says that it's so tiring keeping track of all these lessons learnt. It's much better skipping through life among rows of rose bushes.
But no, this rosebush-lined path is ending. It's turning into a swamp. We need to tread smartly/carefully.

Sigh. A mixture of boredom, tiredness and skepticism just set in. Goodnight.

Oh, at least youth is on my side. I still retain a sense of wonder and insecurity. Oh yes, insecurity points towards adventure, in my opinion. You don't know where you're heading to. Goodnight.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Was scanning through Whitney Houston's bio on wikipedia. It said that she started out with a 'good girl' image, but eventually her behaviour changed. She started turning up late for things (such as performances).
Then I recalled that Amy Winehouse started off fine too, and then she started turning up late for performances.
Realized that punctuality really does show a lot about your character. I thought about the countless times I've been late for things, and how I've made people wait for me.
I should stop this diva behaviour.
Remembered how Louis Litt (character on suits) is a stickler for punctuality, and I think I'll aim to be like him.

I like him.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The most comfortable place isn't the best place to be. You could be sitting comfortably next to a warm rock, but it's actually hell.

Deleted candy crush from my phone, because I got sick at how much time it sapped from me. :O

Melting from cuteness. I need to broadcast this video or I'll feel like I've done an injustice. :D