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Thursday, September 6, 2012

I keep feeling the need to chat with people... I don't know! For example, now. I'd like very much to chat with somebody about school. Preferably somebody from school. But chat about what, I have no clue either.
It's kinda exciting and scary meeting new people. It's exciting because, hey, it's like broadcasting to the whole world that I'm here. It's scary because it's like letting so many people read you and screen you like a book. Sometimes I reach home and wonder what people's impressions of me are. But then afterwards I realize I'm judging myself too much and then usually I just let it be. Today is one of those days. So right now I'm chilling out by listening to Robbie Williams' Eternity. He's actually a really good singer, I don't know why I didn't discover him sooner. I guess it's because he was from a different era.
And then after I chill out I guess I'm going to study. Today my classmates were reeling from the shock of having so much to catch up on (not the first time they expressed shock). Because there are always new readings to do for next week, but at the same time we don't really understand this week's stuff either. As for me, I was shocked last week but now I'm just getting used to it.
Let me get back to the point about how it's exciting and scary meeting new people. I've been meeting new people all my life (JC, sec school). But this time it's more exciting and scary because I don't see the same people everyday. My classmates for each day's classes are different. So everyday is a different social wavelength, if you get what I mean. Which I like. 
I can't believe it's Week 3 already and I still feel like a really new student. It feels like I started school just a few days ago. My classmates expressed the same idea and said they'd really like to settle down in school quickly, just that the feeling isn't coming. 

1 comment:

  1. yea ikr. it's been a month since sch started but it seems that not much time ha passed. every few days i make new friends because of tutorials and even lecture! BUT the shocking thing is that in a month's time (or less than that) i have mid term assignments due and tests!!:O so fast seriously
