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Thursday, September 27, 2012

T'was a rather interesting day. Met my group for a lunch which consisted of a rather illuminating chat about the future i.e. working life and whether we wanted to be lawyers next time. And then talked about money-making. Which I'm not well-versed in so I just listened in fascination.
Then after that we started work, which turned out to be... rather mind-boggling. I swear guys who are 2 years older are smarter. Oh well this imbalance will even out in future. 
Then online chat with... friends. :) Which makes the summary I'm writing right now much more bearable.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Feeling a bit queasy after reading a number of violent murder cases.
Best thing to do now is recall what my professor said to us last time, to distance ourselves from the violence and look at it academically.
Another good thing to do is listen to chill music on 8tracks. ^^

Friday, September 21, 2012

Today was a fulfilling day. :) Went for samba training, then dinner.
Choosing only 2 out of good grades, a social life and sleep-- of course I'll choose good grades and a social life. But I'm not very successful at it so far since I tend to switch off my alarm and go back to sleep! Ack. Need to change my habits.
I do see really hardworking people around. They study right before the lecture! When everyone else is just sitting around and chatting, waiting to go into the room, they'll be sitting on the benches making notes. Hmmm. Maybe they're chionging readings, but it still shows their muggerhood.
Bye I'm gonna study.
I don't regret joining samba. :) I wanna stay on for the next 2 years and go to Germany to tour with them yay!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How's uni life so far? A lot more people, a lot less friends. The atmosphere is kinda serious and boring. People definitely seem friendly but meh, I really want everyone including myself to loosen up a bit. But I guess it's a bit hard when readings occupy so much of our time. Objectively speaking I don't think we're the only people with so many readings. I think (for e.g.) social science people also have lots to read. I don't think law people have that special status of having the most work to do. And another thing-- there's lots of people in the library every time I go there, which is not everyday. Gosh, what a culture. Or maybe it's not the culture, it's just that we only have one tiny library.
I don't regret joining samba. If I'd rejected it I guess I'd be feeling really miserable now, with only the next lesson to look forward to. At least now I have friday to look forward to (that's cca day). And at least this friday i'll be meeting my friends. ^_^
I think it will be fun to have a regular study group but I don't have a clique of friends. Cos everyone just has different classes and it's hard to coordinate.
Oh, what a bother!
On a brighter note, the prof was really entertaining during the lesson today and that brightened up the proceedings considerably. 
Actually the content of what I'm studying is interesting. 
What's not so interesting in here is... probably how fast time passes.

Decided to join Samba anyway. It's not a dance cca which everyone seems to think on first hearing! It's actually a percussion group. When my mum found out I'd decided to join anyway, she fixed me with beady eyes and told me that I'd better not let it affect my grades. Well of course not.
Because the commitment to this cca is rather heavy-- 6 hours a week. Okay enough said.
Was so tired yesterday! Woke up at 8, left the house, reached home at 11. Still having a bit of fogginess in my head.
On another note, I think my profs are nice.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Felt like this dog today after lesson, even though it's not Monday today.
Because there's so many things to read, I was at a loss as to where to start! But after a refreshing nap on the sofa I decided that if even a mountain can be moved then I can also clear my mountain of readings by reading now. I just have to start somewhere.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Think I need to loosen up a little.

Here's some Edward Reid, a recently discovered fave of mine! There's not enough of him on YouTube!

Monday, September 10, 2012

There's something I brought with me from my secondary school and JC years that makes me afraid to be alone in school. Back in those schools I was always one of those who stuck with a friend or group of friends, because being alone to me was humiliating. And I didn't know what to do with myself anyway, if I were alone.
But now it's more difficult to stick around with friends when they all have different timetables; and for new friends with common break times, they always seem to have somewhere else to go. Maybe now it's because I know so few people with the same breaks as me. Anyway, my point is, it's quite peaceful to be alone in school now because I have my music (Keane!) to accompany me, and very few people walking around the corridors (bet everyone's mugging in the library as is the school culture).
It's nice to take a break like this in between class and allow my brain to revive a little and my neck to straighten a little.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Reminders to myself:
1) Don't be too judgemental of myself and of others
2) Don't think so much (except when reading law materials)
3) Find other modes of entertainment that are not on the laptop
Seriously, one whole day at the laptop is taking its toll on my... joints and my mind!
Gonna cook noodles for myself now. :)

Help, I don't understand my contract law textbook. :(
I guess I'll just lower my expectations and expect myself to not understand anything at all. In that case I've exceeded expectations because I've understood about 20% of it. Hurrah to myself for surpassing expectations.
Now for criminal law!
I think I slacked too much the past few days :( sleeping too much is probably the main reason.
I must work hard!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I keep feeling the need to chat with people... I don't know! For example, now. I'd like very much to chat with somebody about school. Preferably somebody from school. But chat about what, I have no clue either.
It's kinda exciting and scary meeting new people. It's exciting because, hey, it's like broadcasting to the whole world that I'm here. It's scary because it's like letting so many people read you and screen you like a book. Sometimes I reach home and wonder what people's impressions of me are. But then afterwards I realize I'm judging myself too much and then usually I just let it be. Today is one of those days. So right now I'm chilling out by listening to Robbie Williams' Eternity. He's actually a really good singer, I don't know why I didn't discover him sooner. I guess it's because he was from a different era.
And then after I chill out I guess I'm going to study. Today my classmates were reeling from the shock of having so much to catch up on (not the first time they expressed shock). Because there are always new readings to do for next week, but at the same time we don't really understand this week's stuff either. As for me, I was shocked last week but now I'm just getting used to it.
Let me get back to the point about how it's exciting and scary meeting new people. I've been meeting new people all my life (JC, sec school). But this time it's more exciting and scary because I don't see the same people everyday. My classmates for each day's classes are different. So everyday is a different social wavelength, if you get what I mean. Which I like. 
I can't believe it's Week 3 already and I still feel like a really new student. It feels like I started school just a few days ago. My classmates expressed the same idea and said they'd really like to settle down in school quickly, just that the feeling isn't coming. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Somehow I didn't hear anyone cursing today. Hold on-- somebody did, I cringed, but I let it go more easily. Maybe I'm getting used to it. Actually I'm more fine with it being used in casual conversation, but in class, or when talking about work, I don't like to hear it.

I'm really a little too tired to tired to absorb more contract law stuff. I read and then realize I'm not digesting the words; so I read again and I realized it's actually an easy,  non-convoluted sentence. Time for a break.

Life...now is a bit more hectic. I'm sure 13 weeks (the length of one term) will pass in no time. Now it's week 3 and I don't really feel any closer to any of my acquaintances, maybe closer by a degree or two, but basically not much different from where we started off in week 1. Today I even got the feeling that I'm disliked, not that it's hurting me, but my point is I don't feel exactly homey in this place. But maybe that's because I wasn't in a good mood today, being Monday and being such a long day too.

On the bright side! Everyone else is nice and friendly and will chat with you for free, and pepper you with smiles too. Profs are encouraging and smart. And then they make you feel smart. ;) Food is good.

I think the people I meet are really interesting. It's refreshing meeting new people and finding out that they are so different from you, and so similar in some endearing ways. For e.g. you get the sort of people who think life is a battleground. Nothing wrong with that. They can also be very friendly. But somehow when you're near these people you get the feeling that they are always on the edge of their seats, always ready to rise to the challenge. And they make you want to sit on the edge of your seat too.  E.g. 2-- the smart and quiet kind of person. These people are fascinating. When you talk to them you sense lots of whirring activity going on in their brains and you wish you could just dissect their brains and see what goes on in there. E.g. 3-- the people who like to sit at the back of class and guffaw loudly at anything remotely funny. And they make me laugh too. E.g. 4-- this is me, I like to relax and sit at the back of the class too. But I don't guffaw, I giggle/chuckle/anything that is softer. I'm quite quiet.
There are many more sorts of people, but the first 3 stick in my head the most.

Maybe it's time to go back to my textbook.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

It feels slightly disheartening when I find out that the world as I knew it is changing.
For example, the prof told us today that we're adults now and we should be the ones asking questions about our work instead, and not simply accept whatever the prof has to say on the topic. My first thought was, I'm an adult?? Then I realized that I'm 19, that university is where adults go. Second question: what's an adult? Third question: Am I not mature enough? And then I just left it there because the lesson moved on.

Another question: is it just me or do I hear more people swearing? I guess it's part of coming to university and being exposed to more people (particularly people who have gone for NS). But I still find it rather repulsive. 

Away with all these questions, now to address the law-related questions that I had during my criminal law class. D: