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Friday, August 31, 2012

The switch from holiday mode to school mode is drastic and can be scary. That's exactly how I felt yesterday, a bit too tired, a bit too overwhelmed by the readings, a bit too un-confident about life. Actually there isn't a huge amount of readings to read, it's probably my time management-- it is mentally exhausting to try to rush through pages of readings only the day before every lesson, for 4 days in a row.
So I set a common goal with a friend to finish our week 3 readings by this weekend (if not all, maybe 80%). It can be a daunting goal but I just need to give myself more time and more trust.
I was thinking on the train today that the most poisonous thing in a person's mind is lack of trust in one's own abilities.
Okay maybe not. There are other things a 100 times worse that could poison a person's mind.
I went for a percussion workshop yesterday (here's their website: http://www.sambamasala.com/) and it was really cool playing all the instruments! And standing in the crowd and playing your own rhythm. :) I want to join them but am a bit hesitant because I don't know if I have enough hours in a week. But on the other hand it's an excellent stress reliever-- I was feeling rather down initially but after the workshop I felt that life is fine and dandy.
And I just finished an ocip interview. One of the interviewers really looks like my cousin; their faces are 99% alike. He just doesn't have my cousin's height. Cool. Is there anyone out there who looks 99% like me? I think it will be strange talking to somebody like that though.
Now is the time to put my finish-week-3-readings goal into action! No wait, first to clear week 2 backlog (just one article left).

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