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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First day of school today! Rather drained from it. -___- I feel like taking the day off tomorrow already but I have a class tomorrow. Thankfully it's at 3.30 pm so I can sleep more. Or not! I have to do some readings for that class.
Today made me discover that I'm a really lazy and laidback person. Hopefully that will change soon. I'm thinking of the time when a senior advised us how to enjoy university-- she said we should be ourselves. But if I truly be myself I'll just lepak all day. Haha.
On the other hand I can get be a really kanchiong person too, depending on the atmosphere around me.
Creative thinking module was fun because a) the prof was engaging and b) he showed us the gangnam style video. But I was sleepy and didn't say a word in class; I only laughed at the video.
Enough waffling, I should read my notes!
Today's now the 2nd day of school (decided to just chuck this in the same post). Felt really nervous before my lesson, somehow... I think it was because of the scary things I heard about this prof. But the lesson turned out alright because the prof was actually friendly! Albeit slightly anal because he was questioning people like what Socrates did to people in his time. The prof actually let us read a funny excerpt about Socrates and chickens before he got started.
And there's always something unnerving about going for your first class, alone... everything feels so foreign, and that feeling just added on to my restlessness.
But not anymore! I think tomorrow, the 3rd day, will be a better day because I'm getting the hang of the place.
Now to go read the 30+ pages for tomorrow's lesson. D:

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